10 Revolutionary AI-Based Healthcare Solutions In 2024

Have you ever wondered about using Artificial Intelligence in your health matters? Well, you are not wrong. AI has also influenced the healthcare industry. With AI, it is not reduced only for diagnosing but also can be used for many purposes like predicting risks, creating personalized plans for patients, etc…

If you are not up to going to a hospital, don’t worry about anything. You can use the help of chatbots available in these tools. AI has made these tools very efficient, faster, and easier. Every service is available at your fingertips.

Let’s take a quick run through some of these tools.

What is AI Healthcare Solutions?

These solutions are like mini consultants that are driven by AI. They are very reliable and accurate. The experts have run many tests on how effective these tools are. They are perfectly safe to use.

Some of the common features are:

  • AI can easily analyze or understand images like X-rays, MRIs, etc…
  • They can predict the risk factors of a diagnosis
  • The patients can be monitored daily through these tools.
  • Creates personalized treatment plans based on the patient’s conditions.

10 Best AI Healthcare Solutions

Here are the best AI Healthcare Solutions that would change your life:

1. ITRex Groups

ItRex Groups is an AI-driven healthcare platform that works as a mini doctor for you. They have experience of more than a decade in this field. It helps in care delivery and medical research. They are very safe to use, ethical, and secure.

It takes data from prescriptions, and appointment bookings to study the patient’s condition or diagnosis and provide efficient solutions for them. They use this data and create smart applications with the help of AI algorithms. The solutions are backed by experts. It also allows doctors to create personal healthcare schedules for each patient.

The features are:

  • The AI algorithm helps you reduce clinical errors.
  • Provides monitoring of people’s vitals.
  • Fraud detection such as insurance fraud.
  • New treatment methods or vaccines can be developed.
  • It reduces the healthcare costs.

Pricing: This tool is free to use. However, the costs of medicine are paid separately and vary with each medicine.

2. AltexSoft

AI Healthcare Solutions - AltexSoft

AltexSoft is an AI solution tool, especially for healthcare. One of the main threats faced in the healthcare industry is stealing data and misusing it. This tool provides a completely safe environment for your data with maximum personalized care.

It uses deep learning mechanisms to diagnose diseases accurately. It uses computer vision to study cancers, tumors, disease progression, etc… It removes routine tasks for staff and saves time for doctors and patients. We can do research by providing data to AI which makes months of research to hours and deliver cures.

The features are:

  • Tracks chronic diseases.
  • It can predict disorders in patients.
  • Prevent thefts of data of patients.
  • Provides recommendations for medical lifestyles.

Pricing: This is a free-to-use tool. External charges may apply.

3. NetApp

AI Healthcare Solutions - NetApp

NetApp is an amazing AI healthcare solution tool that uses AI for medical imaging, Drug discovery, etc… It not only improves your health outcomes but also reduces the stress of doctors and clinicians. The data about the patients are safe and secure.

It improves the efficiency of workers. It helps the staff to be free from daily routine work and enables them to do more high-value work. It reduces frustrations for the staff. We can use AI to analyze MRI scans and biopsies very fast and accurately. It also helps in researching new drugs or medicines at lower costs.

The features are:

  • It can analyze data and predict risk based on a patient’s diagnosis.
  • Provides improved patient interactions by easy scheduling of appointments, data protection, etc…
  • Faster and cost-effective discovery of diseases
  • Treatment plans are created according to the patient’s situation.
  • The solutions are backed by professionals.

Pricing: It has a trial version for using the tool—no information on pricing on the website.

4. H2O.AI

AI Healthcare Solutions - H2O.AI

H2O.AI is an AI-based healthcare solution that uses the power of AI to make it more affordable and accessible. The main aim of H2O.AI is to serve patients and also help the medical industries to solve medical problems in healthcare and life sciences.

They provide their solutions after a huge amount of clinical trials. It uses AutoML to provide insights that deliver it 10 times faster than any traditional methods. This also helps in monitoring other patients. This tool detects frauds such as overpaying or unauthorized insurance claims.

The features are:

  • Accurate and fast diagnosis.
  • Provide cost-effective and highly effective care.
  • 24/7 customer care services.
  • Provide personal treatment plans for the patients.

Pricing: This tool is free to use. However, there are additional charges based on the services.

5. WadhWani AI

AI Healthcare Solutions - WadhWani AI

Wadhwani AI is an AI healthcare solution that mainly focuses on addressing the issue of shortage of staff and other workers in a clinic. This tool helps in assisting doctors and other staff during patient consultations. It also provides accurate and fast diagnosis using AI for efficient health care services.

It also provides a smart interactive form for patient assistance. This form helps in getting to know more about patients. There is a diagnostic assistance tool for helping out physicians during patient consultations.

The features are:

  • It supports multiple languages so that you can get your diagnosis in any language.
  • Diagnostic assistance tool- to provide suggestions on running what test based on the form
  • Prescribes medicines based on symptoms along with dosage and duration.
  • Monitors patient’s lifestyles to provide treatment plans.
  • Offers video consultations with doctors and patients.

Pricing: This tool is free to use. The video consultations are charged based on the doctors.

6. Futurism Technologies

AI Healthcare Solutions - Futurism Technologies

Futurism Technologies is a tool that provides AI services for the best patient care. They predict the maintenance of medical tools using real-time monitoring. It saves a lot of money and ensures patient safety. It also monitors patients.

It includes the vitals, medications, medical history, etc… to improve healthcare efficiency. It also analyzes any outbreak of diseases by connecting this to social media. It also predicts the spread of these diseases with the help of the analyzed data from social media.

The Features are:

  • It runs many clinical trials before providing a solution.
  • It accelerates drug discovery using the power of AI and ML.
  • It monitors healthcare billing and detects fraud or abuse.
  • It has social media monitoring which helps in detecting incidents that require this tool’s assistance.
  • It is very cost-efficient.

Pricing: This platform is free to use.

7. Klinik Healthcare Solutions

AI Healthcare Solutions - Klinik Healthcare Solutions

Klinik Healthcare Solutions is an AI healthcare solution that manages the sorting of patients or patient appointments. This makes sure that a patient is treated correctly on time. Also, it takes the patients to the right doctors. This saves a lot of time and trouble for both patients and staff. They enquire patients based on what type the disease is and how urgent it should be treated.

The tool is programmed in this way so that it can be sorted easily based on these pieces of information. This is very fast and points the patients in the right direction rather than finding the right one after hours of searching.

The features are:

  • It identifies the disease and predicts its urgency
  • It uses information on patients and gives their doctor a headstart on what treatment should be started immediately.
  • This tool recognizes more than 1000 symptoms using its AI.
  • There is a platform named Klinik Connect where you can call and enquire about the disease or doctors.

Pricing: This tool is free to use.

8. Capgemini

AI Healthcare Solutions - Capgemini

Capgemini is an AI-driven healthcare solution that reduces the cost of healthcare expenses and allows easy access to care. This tool helps the healthcare industry to easily adapt to fastly changing world. They provide health insurance to patients. They develop care plans for every type of people who are in homes as well as hospitals.

They also help in developing new medicines or therapies that are more effective than traditional methods. They also detect frauds like fake insurance or overbilling. These help both patients and hospitals to see if they are being scammed.

The features are:

  • Monitoring of patients who live remotely
  • The information of patients is stored securely in their cloud.
  • It is very cost-efficient and easy to use.
  • 24/7 customer services.

Pricing: This tool is completely free to use.

9. Quantiphi

AI Healthcare Solutions - Quantiphi

Quantiphi is a tool that uses world-class AI to transform the healthcare industry. It identifies high-risk patients and gets with them very fast. It has high accuracy in the detection of diseases. It helps in faster drug discovery using its AI and unstructured research data. It also uses AI in assisting medical imaging which is to view the human body for monitoring.

It also calculates the possibility of recurrence of a disease. It runs many clinical trials before giving insights. It has several chatbots to receive patient’s queries. It interacts with patients the same as a doctor or staff would interact with them.

The features are:

  • The solutions are backed by professionals.
  • Every solution is cross-checked by running many clinical trials.
  • Provide tutorials on how to use this tool easily.
  • The information of patients is stored securely.

Pricing: This tool is free to use.

10. Osplabs

AI Healthcare Solutions - Osplabs

Osplabs is one of the top healthcare solutions that uses Artificial Intelligence to provide solutions. Their maintenance department always enhances their software to increase the productivity and quality performance of the tool.

This ensures that there is less chance of software malfunction resulting in smooth functioning. The patients are monitored with utmost care and they provide assistance from professional care teams when needed. These tools are highly advanced such that they include various features like monitoring of patients, risk analysis of a diagnosis, etc…

The features are:

  • Monitoring of patients who are away from the clinic or hospital.
  • A mobile app called Mhealth has all the features of this tool.
  • Analysis of the medical history, and medications for better knowing of patients.
  • Accurate diagnosis and risk predictions of the disease.
  • All information will be stored in a cloud database so that they are never lost and can be used when needed.

Pricing: This tool is free to use.

10 Best AI Healthcare Solutions

  1. ItRex Groups
  2. AltexSoft
  3. NetApp
  4. H2O.AI
  5. Wadhwani AI
  6. Futurism Technologies
  7. Klinik Healthcare Solutions
  8. Capgemini
  9. Quantiphi
  10. Osplabs


AI has revolutionized the healthcare industry. The influence of AI in the health industry is very large. These solutions can save a lot of time, money, and energy for both patients and staff. You should know your needs before choosing any of the above-mentioned tools. Not only that be aware of the risk factors of these tools.

AI Healthcare Solutions is not always about curing diseases, but also preventing them. Using technology to improve our health is truly fascinating. Let us make our life more healthier and happier. We should make use of anything that would help us do that.