What is GigaChat – Everything about The Russian AI Chatbot

It’s important to note that “GigaChat” is different from “GigaChad” – a term from the Urban Dictionary denoting a physically fit, tall, and dominant alpha male, often depicted in internet memes as an altered digital image of Ernest Khalimov, a celebrated Russian bodybuilder and fitness model.

After Russia banned ChatGPT in November 2022, Sberbank- Russia’s largest bank, announced the initiation and testing of the country’s premier model named GigaChat in April 2023 and started testing across the country, set to rival ChatGPT.

Yet, it sets itself apart in the bustling AI landscape by offering distinct features and capabilities. It has been crafted with the specific aim to outshine other foreign AI models in the Russian language interaction.

How Does GigaChat Work?

Currently, GigaChat is accessible in an invite-only testing mode. Sberbank hasn’t disclosed the technological intricacies of GigaChat, it’s understood that the model is proficient in Russian and possesses multimodal capabilities, giving it a competitive edge over ChatGPT.

It is capable of answering questions, participating in discussions, crafting software programming codes, and even generating images. However, the platform isn’t currently equipped to manage prolonged dialogues in foreign languages. 

What sets this Russian-based chatbot apart, is its unique ability to produce both text and images, unlike ChatGPT, which is restricted only to text generation.

Features of GigaChat

Here are the features of GigaChat:

  1. The most notable characteristics of GigaChat lie in its multimodal capabilities as it offers a clear advantage over its counterparts like ChatGPT which are limited to text.
  2. It can generate images, an aspect not currently possessed by ChatGPT.
  3. It surpasses other foreign neural networks in its ability to communicate effectively through its intelligent communication in Russian.
  4. A customizable analytics tool, offering a cost-effective solution tailored to fit different business needs.

Is This the First Time Russia Harnessed Such a Power?

No. The advancements in AI and related fields are not new to the Russian IT sector. Russian hackers have recently used artificial intelligence to their advantage when creating deep fakes and other types of material. For instance, Russian media outlets and businesses have used convincing deep fakes in their advertising with success.

Russia and ChatGPT

Currently, ChatGPT is available worldwide but not in Russia. The reason lies in the fact that the country is concerned regarding the AI tool’s potential misuse.

This could also be because the country is in an indirect war with the Western side of the world and thus is a bit on guard.

On account of the current international conditions in the whole world, Russia has deliberately distanced itself from OpenAI’s chatbot as currently, Russia just cannot bear to allow AI to take over.

GigaChat vs ChatGPT 

GigaChat was established by Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia. The shortcomings of its competition are what GigaChat seeks to fix.

When you need more than text-based replies are required, this works better than ChatGPT. Why? Because it is trained in Russian and has multimodal characteristics.

The Russian equivalent of ChatGPT also comes with a flexible analytics tool, which can make it a cost-effective corporate solution and give more value to its users.

ChatGPT, has become well-known as a powerful AI chatbot built by OpenAI. The ability of this technology to communicate about a broad range of topics originates from its intensive training on a significant corpus of text data.

Although ChatGPT is excellent at text production, it has a severe flaw in that it cannot create graphics. Due to this flaw, the chatbot can only engage with users through text, which may restrict its usefulness in situations where multimodal communication is necessary.

Will GigaChat Succeed?

While ChatGPT continues to dominate the market for generative AI chatbots on a worldwide scale, it is not the only player there. Many rivals are seeking their place in the spotlight. Google’s Bard and LLaMa 2 have stood out among them thanks to their distinctive features.

But we could see a new player agitating the situation. The Sberbank product, which is ChatGPT’s equivalent in Russia, is about to enter the market for AI chatbots on a worldwide scale.

GigaChat offers a new viewpoint to the table with a particular focus on the Russian-speaking market and distinctive features like multimodal capabilities and a configurable analytics tool.


GigaChat, the Sberbank-developed Russian AI chatbot, stands out as a serious competitor in the field of AI. 

It stands out from its rivals, notably ChatGPT, because of its distinctive characteristics, which include multimodal capabilities and the capacity to produce both text and graphics. 

Due to worries about abuse, Russia is making purposeful efforts to separate itself from Western AI models. GigaChat fills this gap by serving the unique requirements of the Russian-speaking market.

While ChatGPT continues to rule the field of generative AI chatbots, GigaChat offers a novel viewpoint. Its debut, supported by Russia’s biggest bank, demonstrates the nation’s dedication to the advancement of AI. 

With its adaptable analytics tool, GigaChat provides a practical answer for companies with a range of requirements.

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